What Office Do I Send My Documents To?

One question that we get asked almost every hour of the day is like the title of this post says , “What office do I send my documents to?”  It is actually pretty simple, just visit our zip code search engine, plug in the zip code and voila, there is your answer!  If there is … Read more

Grand Rapids Michigan Process Server

If you are need of a process server in the Grand Rapids area of Michigan then we have you covered, just visit our page for that area to get your services completed. Grand Rapids Michigan Process Servers

Happy Thanksgiving 2018

Happy Gobble Gobble everyone! Yes it’s that time of the year again 🙂 From all of us to all of our clients and partners we wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday.

Process Servers in Canada

If you should ever need documents served in Canada, please visit our sister organization north of the border. Canadian Process Serving Inc., has offices located across Canada and can hopefully help you out with anything that you may need done.